Grab Jupiter, Personalize Eris ~ 18 Nov 2019

Given the last post on the goings on of 2020 was reasonably intense, and given that Jupiter now aligns with the Galactic Center and for the at least three more weeks we might all express gratitude for galactic insights provided to questions asked and even questions not asked, homage to Jupiter is due. As such, perhaps we can all grab the good that Jupiter graciously and organically renders and use it as an assistance to apply the essence of Eris, who stands out as a primary thematic emphasis of 2020.

During the course of 2020 Jupiter in Capricorn squares not only the current position of Eris in Aries, but between now and 26 March, when Jupiter transits to the exact square to the current position of Eris, everyone will have transiting Jupiter square natal Eris! Then on 25 June Jupiter retrogrades back over charts of the recently born until his station returning direct on September 13 when those incarnating between 1990 and 1993 are directly impacted. And for a short time thereafter, anyone born after those times in the early 90s will have yet another Jupiter transit to the Eris of their nativity.

For a moment consider that many chose not to apply Eris in horoscopes. She is more dense and slightly larger than Pluto. By deduction, those who continue to use Pluto in spite of the fake news degrading his planetary status, would consider Eris a planet. Also consider, the most significant myth about Eris and her tendency for discord and mayhem deals with her exclusion from the most prominent socially significant wedding of the era. She despises a lack of recognition, inclusion and disavowment.

Now for those who have no clue where Eris is/was now/then, here’s a cheat sheet. On January 1st in the following years, at 0 hours GMT, Eris occupied:

> 1930 00 Aries 52

> 1940 03 Aries 40

> 1950 06 Aries 20

> 1960 08 Aries 55

> 1970 11 Aries 25

> 1980 13 Aries 51

> 1990 16 Aries 15

> 2000 18 Aries 56

> 2010 20 Aries 55

This leads us to today’s position of Eris at 23 Aries 28 where she currently retrogrades.

Perhaps the most currently relevant Eris myth also involves Jupiter, who held dominion over the other goddesses and gods. It turns out Jupiter was not pleased with the results of an election in the land of Mycenae. It bothered him so much he decided to intervene. He dispatched Mercury to approach the elected leader of Mycenae and ask if he would resign his elected position if the Sun and Moon rose in the west. Knowing that was unlikely, the elected official indicated his consent with the proposal.

Jupiter then dispatched Eris, known for her ability to cause chaos, to assist him in reversing the order of the Heavens. Wouldn’t you know? For one day together Jupiter and Eris reversed the motion of the Sun, the Moon and the stars. The Sun and Moon rose in the west; the stars reversed their course. In reaction, the Pleiades wept. And back on Earth, good to his word, the leader of Mycenae resigned.

Of course with all the political goings on, this myth seems acutely important. As a point of interest, over the past ten days or so while watching news coverage of political events, political leaders of both parties in the United States have made reference to the “other side” conveying that given the circumstances declarations would be made that the Sun rose in the west. I’m confident none of these proclaimers know of this myth but are merely responding to the warm-up of the Jupiter-Eris acts of 2020.

Consider that Jupiter is our largest planet; Eris is among the most dense. Those two facts imply an increased wallop from any Jupiter to Eris engagement.

What’s a person to do working to slug their way through the implied added intensity of 2020?

> First, reverse the order of the Heavens in life such that an alternate view or perspective can be seen. Drive the opposite way to the store or to work. Pay attention to everything and anything that catches your eye.

> View and take time to feel the essence of the canopy of the sky. Go outside for a look at the stars. Instead of looking this way and that, lie on the ground at various angles, changing direction of view several times, perhaps taking time to align with all the angles of the cardinal cross.

> Should you have a Pilates ball and a perplexing life situation to ponder, pose the situation to yourself, lie on the ball and let your back work out kinks while rolling on the ball. See what comes to mind.

> Apply Jupiter. Review what you believe. Should you find anything you no longer wish to believe, delete it and immediately replace it with what you want to believe.

> Apply Eris. Consider where it behooves you to fit in regarding life. Seek that fit with competence, quality of effort, decorum and firm gentleness. Determine what you physically require to be competent in the mundane work. Seek nothing less. Avoid reaching to excess.

> Get comfortable in your skin. Delete distractions and engagements that do not further. Notice natural pulls from influences that seek to support your objectives and get on with the getting on.

> When approaching life from what others might perceive as oblique angles, carry a clear platform that supports such approaches, with no justifications or rationalizations applied.

Rest assured that Jupiter and Eris intend to place you more securely in position to achieve all your wishes and dreams. It’s true! Believe in your natural skills, acquired knowledge and uniqueness of view.

More soon.